1 response

  1. Fabian G
    October 20, 2013

    First of all I don’t believe that one can “TRAIN” anyone to drive; one must be taught ie:think out of the box.
    For a beginner this means that he/she MUST be able to think and react for themselves.Does anyone else believe that they can depend on the other drivers to protect us.(Defensive Driving “Accepting the responsibility NOT to allow other drivers to hit oneself”)
    Parents as well as instructors try to “train” the new student.

    As an instructor (teacher) 0f driving for over 30 years I have learned to allow my students to think for themselves and not take my instruction as “gospel”. They have to be able think and more important make mistakes for themselves so that they can learn. I believe that a really good teacher allows their student to make mistakes and allows them to correct themselves.Only by making mistakes are we able to learn and thereby become competent drivers.


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