Driving test manoeuvre videos to help you with your driving lessons in
In the first of my driving test manoeuvre videos we will look at the left hand reverse. You will practice this with driving instructors in Arnold, Sherwood, Bulwell, Mapperley, Carlton, Bilborough,
Nottingham. This is quite a common manoeuvre included on the driving test.ย it’s not usually a favourite amongst learners taking driving lessons in Nottingham and not something you’ll do a lot of after your driving test. It does show that you can control a car
accurately. Make sure you keep track of what other road users are doing while reversing.
Second in my driving test manoeuvre videos is the turn in the road. Commonly known as the three point turn, this is something you will make use of after passing your test. Make sure the road is
clear before starting and don’t forget the blind spot. If the road looks like it’s too narrow or too bust then pick another spot to practice during your driving lessons. If a car comes along when you’re half way through do not panic. Look at them to see if they want to pass and if they don’t just carry on but don’t rush. It’s quicker to do this once slowly than rush and make mistakes.
Let’s take a look at the third of my videos which covers the reverse park. Different methods may be used by other driving instructors in Nottingham. This video shows the method I use. You’ll need to be very careful and show some diplomacy when you practise this. Only park around the same car a couple of times before moving on. Some folks resent their vehicles being used to park around. If someone does express displeasure then just smile and move on.
Made by your local Nottingham driving
instructor, just for you.
In the fourth of my driving lesson videos that cover manoeuvres we look at the bay park. This is only done on the driving test if the test centre has it’s own car park.
Check which test centre you will be using with your Nottingham driving instructor. Be careful where you practise this as most car parks are privately owned. Be diplomatic and choose a quiet corner as far from other cars as possible.ย People may fear their car is going to be damaged if you get too close.
Practise this one if you want to work for driving schools in Nottingham
Fifth and last of my videos is the right hand reverse. This is not
required on the L test but may occur on the ADI part 2 test. This
video may help those taking driving instructor training in
Nottingham. It is mainly used by drivers of vans and
commercial vehicles. Reason being you are reversing with the flow of traffic. This is safer if you are driving a commercial vehicle where you can’t see out of the back windscreen. Probably because there
isn’t one.